Previous incidents
Social Login Error
Resolved Jan 14 at 09:42am CST
All login issues have been resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your patience.
3 previous updates
Payroll Integration
Resolved Dec 20 at 08:36am CST
We're pleased to confirm that the previously reported issues affecting both our ADP and ClickBoarding integrations have been resolved.
Conduct Interview screen
Resolved Dec 11 at 12:08pm CST
We're pleased to announce that the issue with the Conduct Interview screen has been resolved. You should now be able to access and use the feature without any problems.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Clickboarding Integration Status
Resolved Dec 10 at 09:55am CST
We're pleased to confirm that the previously reported issues affecting both our ADP and ClickBoarding integrations have been resolved.
Candidate Search Degraded
Resolved Dec 05 at 03:52pm CST
Please be advised that our candidate search may not reflect the most recent additions. We're working to update the search functionality as soon as possible.